Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thank You!

Thank you to all of you who attended the Open Invitation.  We have so many talented members of our stake and are excited to get to know each of you.

We have selected all the music for the July 9th performance and will still need both vocalists and instrumentalists to make the music all it can be.  If you attended the Open Invitation, you will be contacted soon to let you know which song(s) we'd like you to participate in.  For those who were unable to make it, here is a list of the music and what types of musicians we still need: (*This is in addition to the adult choir, youth choir, and children's choir music.  Click the links to find out what music each choir will provide.)

String instrumentalists for a string ensemble version of "Let There Be Peace on Earth," arranged by Bro. Taylor of the Hunter Village Ward
Vocalists for "The Voices of America" - must be able to sing harmonies
Vocalists for "America Is" -  a few soloists with a back up choir, could include some children
Vocalists for "The New Colossus" - some simple harmonies, could be done with many or few voices
Vocalists for "Shenandoah" - 3 or 6 women, must be able to sing complicated harmonies and blend well
Ward Choir to sing a TBA African American Spiritual
Accompanists for various group numbers

Hunter 4th Ward Choir - "Anthem" from the musical Chess
Piano Solo - "Amazing Grace"
Young Men's Quartet - "From a Distance"
Saxophone Solo - "Old Folks at Home"

Please take a moment and check the "ADULT CHOIR," "YOUTH CHOIR," and "CHILDREN'S CHOIR" tabs to see what will be going on at those rehearsals!

Friday, April 15, 2011

ANNOUNCING: Stake Patriotic Musical Program

This summer the Hunter West Stake will be presenting a two hour celebration of freedom featuring a large variety of musicians from the stake.  The program will include a combination of sacred and secular patriotic music performed by instrumentalists and vocalists of all ages.  Whether you plan to participate on the stage or celebrate from the audience, mark you calendars now, because you won't want to miss it!
April 30th * 3pm to 6pm * Loch Ness Building

July 9th * 6pm to 8pm * Loch Ness Building